Daniel: February 2004 Archives

Home Star Runner

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Check out homestarrunner.com
It’s a pretty cool site with lots of funny flash animation. I suggest that your first time there you click the link titled, “first time here.” Have fun and enjoy!

Dan's new home

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I guess you could say that I have been trying to find myself. For some time now I haven’t been happy with my place on the net. I have gone from blogger to movable type and back to blogger. For some reason I just haven’t been happy. I am, however, happy to announce that I have finally found a place where I can hang my hat and call home.

I was surfing the net one day when I came across typepad.com. I soon learned that typepad was basically a hosted version of moveable type (this is what John uses). Although they are pretty much the same, typepad is much easier to use and it makes sharing photos a breeze.

So, without any further ado: visit - westhoff.blogs.com
Type this in without the WWW or just click the link above

good bye

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Due to a lack of funds, mywesthoff.com has fallen into disrepair and has ceased to exist. Any further posts made by Daniel Westhoff will be made available on this site at no charge; except to the proprietor thereof. This announcement does of coarse come ex post facto.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries written by Daniel in February 2004.

Daniel: October 2003 is the previous archive.

Daniel: April 2004 is the next archive.

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