Zachary: July 2003 Archives

Hands on Science

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This week we went to the science center in Seattle. Dunn and I found a huge chess set and decided to play. Although we couldn't finish the game it was fun.

This book was about a dog whose name was Poochy. There was another dog whose name was Cloudy and everybody thought they looked the same but they didn't because Cloudy's spots were ink and Poochy's spots were real. Cam figured this out by noticing that some spots were in different places. You will have to read the story to find out why they were trying to switch dogs.

Three and a quarter Stars

This book was about dinosaur bones that were stolen and a girl named Cam who tried to figure out who did it. In the end she solved the mystery with her friend, Eric. I figured it out myself.

Three Stars

Book Report: Socks

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This book was about a kitten who was being sold for twenty cents but somebody bought him for fifty cents. The rest of the book talks about Sock's life with his new family and what happens. P.S I liked this book

Four Stars

There are two friends and they think they see a UFO. Other people do too. Cam is a girl. She helps figure out if the UFO is real. I like this book.
Three stars

OOOOOOOOOOO....At first this book was spooky. This book was good.
Three stars

This book was about a Dad who lost his wife. So he put an ad in the paper, and there was a girl named Sarah who said she might be his wife. I liked this book because some parts in it were funny.

Three stars

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Zachary in July 2003.

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