John: March 2002 Archives


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Facelift. It will take me a while to convert all of the pages, but this page is a preview of how the site will look when I'm finished.

The anti-war movement

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There is an excellent commentary on the anti-war movement on the Wall Street Journal's OpinionJournal: Best of the Web Today.

Russia & the flat tax

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"Too bad this isn't Russia." Never thought I'd agree with that. [Deroy Murdock on Russia & flat tax on National Review Online]

Believe a foolish thing

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"Just because a million Frenchmen believe a foolish thing doesn't mean a thing isn't foolish"

"According to the news reports, al Qaeda captured one of our soldiers in the latest fighting and promptly executed him. We're being called barbaric while letting our well-fed and well-tended prisoners wear turbans and chat with government provided clerics." [National Review]

Polling anomaly

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"A look at USA Today's incomplete poll results page reveals some anomalies. Five percent of Americans supposedly said the Sept. 11 attacks were "justified." America's adult population is some 210 million; it's utterly implausible that 10 million of us cheered the attack. The entire country doesn't have that many Muslims and college professors put together." [OpinionJournal]

Airport insecurity

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'Montana Sen. Conrad Burns had a little humbling recently at the airport. Asked for a photo ID, he pulled out his new Senate identification. The ticket screener looked at it and shrugged, "I don't recognize that kind of an ID card." Burns recalls, "I said, 'Well, it has on there what I do. It has a picture of a nice-looking fellow and a number.' " Her reaction: "It doesn't make any difference. I don't recognize it." So, he explains, "I pulled out one for Sam's Club. That one worked good. I went right on through."'
[U.S. News]

Simply evil

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"Bush has used the word "evil" repeatedly during this conflict, and many people have cited this as evidence of his simplistic view of the world. But where on earth does anybody get the idea that to call something evil is to make a simple statement?" [David Brooks]


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"If your BMI number is 30 or higher you, like 27 percent of adults, have supersized yourself. You are obese. Bon appetit." [George Will]

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by John in March 2002.

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