Chronicles: April 2003 Archives


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We got our ultrasound today and are pleased to anounce that number five is a boy! We have yet to agree on a name, though I am lobbying for Finn Ryan Westhoff. Ryan is my mother-in-law's (Irish) maiden name, so I figure it goes well together.


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In an effort to make the best of what time we have left on this side of the pond, we took off Thursday night and drove a little over 5 hours to spent the night in western Holland.


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Greetings from Germany! HAPPY EASTER! Hope everyone is Happy and Well! After sleeping the greater part of this week-end – I am finally getting over my jet lag after returning back from the states this past Monday, April 14th. (Hopefully the next time I return to the states I will get to stay for good!) I am due to report in at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri on 28 July 2003, so we will be leaving Germany on or about the 14th of July. (I will taking two weeks leave before I have to report in at Leonard Wood) Can’t wait to get back to the land of round door knobs!

I should go skiing

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Last Monday my wife (unsolicited) looks at my work schedule and says: "you don't have to work until three tomorrow, you should go skiing." So...I did. It turned out to be the best conditions of the season, awesome snow, blue sky and no lift lines. I love my wife.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Chronicles category from April 2003.

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