Photographs: May 2004 Archives

On our camping trip to Mt. St. Helens we were dismayed to discover that after only a few pictures, our camera's batteries died. It was the perfect occasion to try out my new camera phone! Check out this one of Dunn carrying Luke and this one of Emma and her new friend. Not bad for a phone, eh?

[Note: I have the capability of e-mailing these directly from the phone, so if you get a "picture message" in the future, just be aware that replying to it will send a text message to my cell phone, which is fine, if that's what you intend to do--but it costs me two cents each time so make sure its your two cents worth (get it? har, har, har).]

A Tree Mold is Made

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Rachel and I took the troop on a weekend getaway to Mt. Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument. It was the first time we’ve ever taken all of the kids—in fact it was the first time Ray and I have ever been camping together. That seems hard to believe but she has always stayed home with Emma and Luke before.

Oh Happy Day!

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This is my favorite picture of the graduate.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Photographs category from May 2004.

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