San Diego Trip

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As most of you know Rachel and I went to San Diego last month for our tenth anniversary, many thanks to Grandma Rackham who was able to come and watch the kids for us. I had meant to get these pictures up some time ago, but alas, I was distracted.

On Coronado Island
We were able to do it on the cheap, staying at the Navy Lodge (pictured here behind a pregnant Rachel) on Coronado island. It also helped that Sea World and Universal studios were letting military types in free.
Easta Pizza!!!
If you are ever in San Diego, I highly recommend going to Nicolosi's, they serve the best pizza in the world (yes, including Chicago). The place also has sentimental value for us as we ate dinner there on our wedding day.
With the Scott and Pamela Greer family
The highlight of the trip was visiting the Greers in Ramona, CA--friends from my mission days. They were gracious hosts, as ever, and we look forward to seeing them next time we go back to San Diego (to run the Rock 'n Roll Marathon?!).
Selp portrait eating ice cream.
This is my favorite picture from the trip. I took it while we were waiting in line at a Universal Studios attraction. Rachel has just taken a lick from her ice cream cone.


We were SO thrilled to see you John and Rachel! As I've said before, I feel like a proud mom seeing how successful, in every important way, our favorite missionary and his mission sweetheart have become! Our only time bring the kids!!! We love you guys!

Pam & fam

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This page contains a single entry by John published on July 17, 2003 11:36 AM.

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